Suomen ulkopolitiikan asiakirja-arkisto ja kronologia
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Contribution by Mr. Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, at the plenary meeting on 19 June 1991

Agenda item under discussion: European architecture and the strengthening of security in Europe as well as the consolidation of human rights, democracy and the rule of law

I wish to congratulate you, Mr. Chairman, for the role that your country and you personally have had in bringing about this meeting. Its venue is an epitome of the new Europe. Your experience, Mr. Chairman, in the service of your country - and in the service of security and cooperation in Europe - makes you uniquely qualified for your present duties.

As the cold war confrontation is disappearing, new security structures are emerging. The implementation of the CFE Treaty will be important. Together with the implementation of the agreed CSBM's it will create a basis for peaceful conduct of relations between the perticipating States. We note with satisfaction the trends of closer cooperation and liaison between former opponents on one hand NATO and, on the other. Central and Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union.

All participating states should benefit by our common security cooperation. No "security vacuums" should be recognised.

As old conflicts recede, Europe is faced with new challenges. Remarkable progreas has been achieved within the human dimension. At the same time, questions of national minorities have assumed urgency. The growing econoaic and social gap between Eastern and Western Europe may threaten peace and stability. Problems of the environment are becoming a pressing conern in our countries.

New problems call for a new solutions at both the conceptual and the organisational level. Finland is committed to the further strengthening and development of tha CSCE's saeurity role. This applies, in particular, to the institutions and mechanisms for political consultations as well as to conflict prevention and crisis management. We expect early agreement on a procedure to convene extraordinary meetings in emergency situations.

We support the idea that the Comittee of Senior Officials would be given the task to consider further strengthening the CSCE institutions, including the Conflict Prevention Centre.

In the Paris Charter, we have recognized the need for a singla and joint security forum, open to all participating States. Here, it will be our task to construct effective security structuers for a new and uniting Europe.

The new security negotiations should be based on the new military realilties in our Continent. The diversity of security concerns is a fact. Therefore, the new security needs should be addressed through a combination of approaches that take into consideration the differences in doctrinal traditions, defence systems and security environments.

The overriding concern should be the continued reduction of the risk of military confrontation. Openness and defensive restructuring, started with tha CSBM and CFE agreements, should be pursued further. Subregional initiatives and arrangements, corresponding to particular security needs, will find a central place in the work of the new forum.

In our view, the time has come for organised preparations for the new mandate that the Paris Charter calls for. Consultations to this effect should be initiated as soon as possible.

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